Throughout the year, your trees and shrubs in Colorado might face several issues because of insects like ash borers, aphids, spider mites, and beetles. Fortunately, there are three effective methods to use to protect your trees and shrubs from these problematic creepy crawlers! Bark drenches offer immediate protection against insects, while trunk injections deliver the insecticide treatment straight to the vascular system of your plants for top-notch efficiency. Dormant oil sprays are also effective as they suffocate any overwintering pests on your dormant plants, including their eggs, so they don't become an issue in the spring!

1. Bark Drenches

If you want to protect your trees and shrubs from insects, an effective method to administer pest control treatments is through bark drenches. With this method, the pesticide is applied as a liquid on the trunk of your trees, directly to the bark. It will then soak into the bark and will help eliminate insects that are taking up residence in your trees, and will also prevent new ones from infesting them.

Soil drenches are a popular way to administer pesticides, where the treatment is sprayed on the soil near the roots to ensure optimum absorption of the insect control treatment.

2. Trunk Injections

Trunk injections are a popular way to protect trees and shrubs from insects. This method involves applying a pesticide to a tree through small holes that are drilled into the trunk. This ensures the direct application of the treatment to the vascular system of your plants so the pesticide is distributed evenly throughout them. It offers a quick delivery of the protective treatment so your plants can take advantage of the benefits immediately. That's because trunk injections maximize the natural digestive system of your trees and plants!

Another advantage of trunk injections as a way of insect control application is that they can be done in any type of weather. Whether it's raining or sunny, the treatment can be administered to your tree and it will absorb the treatment to the fullest extent no matter the time of the year. What's more, you can count on trunk injections to be environmentally friendly. You won't have to worry about the pesticide leaching into the soil!

3. Dormant Oil

Dormant oil is a type of insect control treatment that is applied when your trees and shrubs are dormant. As it is an oil product, the insecticide treatment will target the insects that are overwintering on your plants. Unlike most insecticide treatments, dormant oil does not work by poisoning the pests. Instead, applying dormant oil will suffocate the pests on your trees and shrubs, including their eggs, so they don't hatch in the spring and become an issue in the new growing season.

Dormant oil is applied by spraying it on the branches and trunks of your trees and plants. It's also important to administer the dormant oil onto the underside of the leaves to efficiently target any overwintering pests.

Call us today to sign up for our tree and shrub insect control treatments!

Here at Mesa Turf Masters, we offer a highly effective tree and shrub insect control treatment service to properties in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, CO, and nearby areas. This service involves applying reliable insecticide treatments via bark drenches, soil drenches, trunk injections, and dormant oil to effectively protect your trees and shrubs from troublesome pests. We offer these treatments as part of our tree and shrub care program, which also includes tree and shrub fertilization treatments, so you can rest assured your plants get top-notch care throughout the year. Give us a call today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up for our tree and shrub insect control service!