Your irrigation system is vital for keeping your grass and plants in Colorado hydrated, so you'll want to ensure it stays in optimal condition to avoid potential issues. To do this, you should winterize it, which is done around October to prevent freeze damage during the winter. Then, in the spring, it’s crucial to schedule an irrigation startup to bring your system back online so it can start providing water to your vegetation for the new growing season. Additionally, you should make any necessary repairs right away to prevent minor problems from becoming major ones. These proactive steps can help keep your irrigation system in excellent condition so that your lawn and landscape receive the water they need to thrive!

Winterize your irrigation system to protect it from freeze damage.

To keep your irrigation system in optimal condition, you will want to have it winterized. Irrigation winterization is a process that is done around October to prepare your system for the winter to protect it from becoming damaged due to freezing temperatures. It involves shutting off the main water supply to your irrigation system and blowing any remaining water out of it so that it can't freeze during the winter and cause your pipes to crack or burst. This is an essential service to schedule before winter arrives, if you skip out on it, your system could become seriously damaged!

Schedule an irrigation startup in the spring.

Once winter has passed and the threat of freezing weather is no longer looming, it's time to wake up your irrigation system for the new growing season by scheduling an irrigation startup service. This service, as its name implies, is designed to get your system back up and running again in the spring. When you sign up for this service, professionals will slowly turn your irrigation system back on so that it can start hydrating your vegetation again. During this process, professionals will thoroughly inspect your system to ensure it's operating correctly, and they will adjust any zones if necessary to make sure that all of your grass and plants are receiving the water they need.

Catching and addressing any problems with your irrigation system early on will save you time, money, and hassle down the road!

Make timely repairs to prevent bigger issues from arising.

During your irrigation startup, if any issues are uncovered, don't procrastinate on getting them fixed. You don't want to be in the middle of a scorching summer with a broken system, leaving your lawn thirsty when it needs water the most.

Getting timely repairs done ensures your irrigation system functions properly throughout the growing season. It prevents the frustration of patchy, brown grass from underwatering or soggy soil from overwatering. Plus, fixing problems early can help you conserve water and save on your water bill.

Give us a call today to schedule our irrigation winterization, startup, and repair services.

To ensure your irrigation system stays in tip-top shape throughout the year, we are the team to turn to! We have been serving property owners since 1992, and have the skills and experience to handle all of your irrigation needs. We can winterize your system to protect it from freezing temperatures, bring it back online in the spring via our startup service, and if needed, make repairs to it to get it back up and running at 100%. We offer all of our irrigation services to property owners in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and throughout the surrounding areas in Colorado. Give us a call at (970) 434-5440 to schedule any of our irrigation services today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!