There are many lawn diseases in Colorado that can plague your grass. If your lawn has suffered from one, you can enroll in a few lawn care services to help it recover. Lawn fertilization, aeration, and overseeding are the services you need to bring back the health and vigor of your damaged grass. Fertilizers provide vital nutrients to strengthen it, while aeration ensures the roots can access them and other resources. For the unappealing patches on your lawn that were a result of the lawn disease, you need overseeding to fill them in with new grass and restore its lush appearance.

Lawn Fertilization Provides Essential Nutrients To Strengthen Your Grass After a Fungal Disease

Your lawn takes a heavy beating from fungal diseases, and it will need all the help it can get to rebuild its strength. Lawn fertilization will help your grass recover from a lawn disease by providing essential nutrients that boost its health. These are the nutrients that your lawn can get from fertilizers and how each benefits it:

  • Nitrogen promotes chlorophyll production. It will help your grass regain its vibrant green color and aid in strong, healthy growth.
  • Phosphorus is vital in improving your lawn's root system. When your grass has strong roots, it can better withstand stress and remain anchored into the soil where it gets its nutrients.
  • Potassium fortifies your lawn's cell walls to build its resilience and help it fight diseases, insects, and weeds.

Aeration helps improve your lawn's access to vital nutrients and bolster root growth.

Aeration is another helpful lawn care service that will nurse your diseased grass back to health. This lawn care service involves pulling up plugs of soil to alleviate compaction and help your lawn access vital nutrients. When the soil is compacted, nutrients, water, air, and sunlight have a hard time penetrating and reaching the roots of your grass. By aerating it, these resources have channels where they can pass through and be absorbed by the roots. This means aeration ensures that your grass has everything it needs to recover from a lawn disease! What's more, it encourages strong and deep root growth. With improved air circulation, water flow, and nutrient absorption, they'll have optimal resource access and space underground to stretch and develop deep into the soil!

Overseeding fills in any bare patches on your disease-damaged lawn.

Lawn diseases not only weaken your grass but also bring down its visual appeal. They can take it from lush and vibrant to patchy and discolored! Fortunately, you can schedule an overseeding service to restore your lawn's thick and green appearance. This service involves scattering seeds on your disease-damaged lawn to bring in new grass growth and fill in any bare patches. Aside from beautifying your turf, overseeding also boosts its density and thickness, making it more resilient to better fight off lawn diseases in the future.

Overseeding your lawn directly after aerating will give the seeds optimal contact with the soil and increase the chances of successful germination!

Call us today to sign up for our lawn care services!

After suffering from a lawn disease, you need to help your lawn recover and regain its vigor. Fortunately, our crew can help! Here at Mesa Turf Masters, we offer top-quality lawn care services like fertilization, aeration, and overseeding to help your grass get back to growing strong and healthy. These services are available to properties in Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, CO, and surrounding communities. Your lawn's health is important to us, so let our experienced professionals give it the care and attention it needs! Give us a call today at (970) 434-5440 to sign up for our lawn care services.